us of being nothing but porn hounds thanks to our porn parody reviews. Truth is we only get two or three of these out in a year and have only done just over a dozen in our meager three years of existence. And, honestly, we do this as a public service for the masses who are curious about the state of porn spoofs, but not typically buy-curious (ah, boo yourself). Anyway, it has been nearly 8 full months since our last XXX review and it is time to (e)rectify that.
No joke, the most popular review on this blog is our look at THE AVENGERS XXX. The write up still brings the hits day in and day out and we think it is safe to say it is mostly folks ogling at the pictures. Also, there is the factor of former WWE superstar Chyna delving into the world of “legit” porn in her co-starring role as She-Hulk. The point is that Axel Braun’s porn send up starring a former pro-wrestling female superstar might be just as popular as 2012’s biggest box office success. So you knew it was only a matter of time before the director returned to such fertile ground. The stand alone SHE-HULK parody project was quickly announced after the triumph of THE AVENGERS XXX with Chyna returning to the role. Things got quiet for a while with some suspecting it wouldn’t actually happen. Alas, the film finally hit DVD in the spring of 2013 via Vivid’s XXX Super Heroes line.
The movie wastes no time getting the action rolling as we open with Jennifer Walters (Gracie Glam) waking up in a hospital. A detective by her side tells her she was shot in the back by some men working for crime boss Trask (yay canonical points!) and that she received a blood transfusion from her cousin, Bruce Banner. Asked what she last remembers, Walters recalls being in her law office working on a deal with another attorney (Mark Wood). When he says her proposition is a “tough sell” she responds by saying, “I bet I can close this deal.” So, yes, at one minute and thirty seconds into the film we get our first sex scene as Wood teaches Glam on the finer points of the penal system. Yeah, I went there.
Back in the real world, a couple of mob goons hang out in the hospital lobby and pay off a nurse (Tara Lynn Fox) to distract the guard outside of Walters’ room. Naturally, since this is an adult feature, that diversion involves her giving the guy a blowjob in the x-ray room. Following that ten minute oral scene, the thugs break into Jennifer’s hospital room and try to inject her with some fluid. She fights them off and the resulting anger morphs

Yup, the freakin’ movie is over. Clocking in at a mere 90 minutes, SHE-HULK slams the door on the viewer just when things start to get good. It is the porn equivalent of erectile dysfunction on your wedding night. I’ve accused Axel Braun of being lazy before, but this one really takes the cake and makes earlier stuff like THE DARK KNIGHT XXX seem like a masterpiece in comparison. Now, as I’ve always said, the goal of porn (and the popular parody subgenre) is to get the viewers off. And Braun will no doubt do that. However, when powerhouse Vivid is touting you as the King of the porn parody, you better deliver. SHE-HULK is barely a film. Nowhere is this more evident than in the obligatory “non-sex version” offered on the bonus disc. This thing runs less than 15 minutes, which shows you that Braun and his team aren’t really trying when it comes to the parody department. The script couldn’t have been more than ten pages. Is it really that hard to envision a few extra scenes to at least make a cohesive movie? I guess it is. Braun can’t even be bothered to have a scene showing Jennifer Walters getting shot. How freakin’ hard can that be?
Watching the film, I was just flooded with the sense of missed opportunities. You’ve got the first porn appearance of Mister Fantastic and you can’t work in stretching joke? Or, better yet, you can’t work in a gag where he uses his superhero ability to fling his dick across the house into the lesbian scene. Yes, I know it might take a little more effort, but goddamn, the creativity level here is nil. An even better example is the use of Chyna as the titular character. Hehe, he said “tit.” Is it too much to ask to have her actually have a fight scene where she beats down a few guys? I know folks are tuning in to see her green body in action, but I’m sure the Amazonian market would be thrilled to have her squashing a few dudes in between. And, once again, her two sex scene keep her in full costume and refuse to show off her breasts (you can see them getting painted green in the bonus features).
Sadly, all of this stuff undermines what Braun does right. The casting is pretty good and the idea of having Gracie Glam as Jennifer Walters is a smart one. Braun even earns points for casting Euro starlet Jennifer Dark (pictured left) as Madame Hydra, keeping true to the character’s Eastern European origins. Not only is she hot, she’s totally into her scene. Yet Braun can’t even be bothered to have Hydra and Walters in the same room together. Nope, not even a scene where she threatens the subdued superhero. It is pretty apparent Braun is working with a schedule of “get costume, film sex scene, slap together” filmmaking. Sadly, this method just results in the biggest cash grab yet for Vivid. I don’t expect them to pay attention to a review like this as their millions in the bank account will keep diverting their eyes. But the porn parody subgenre – the great bastion for a little fun and creativity – is going to wither up and die if you keep treating it as nothing more than XXX cosplay. Look, you have capable performers, great costumes and sets, and inventive behind-the-scenes players. Let’s try to get back to the level of STAR WARS XXX.