If you’ve found your way to our blog, then chances are pretty high you’ve already seen a Nu Image movie. They first jumped to fame with their animals-gone-amok films (SPIDERS series, OCTOPUS series, CROCODILE series, SHARK ATTACK series) starting in the 2000s that conned unsuspecting DVD renters into enduring poorly rendered CGI creatures attacking poorly paid actors in Bulgaria. Amazingly, this success allowed them to start backing bigger films and soon you could see their logo theatrically on Stallone films (THE EXPENDABLES films) and other big budget stuff (the recent OLYMPUS HAS FALLEN). To quote the old Virginia Slims ad, “You’ve come a long way, baby.” Indeed, the company founded in 1992 initially shot and distributed cheap direct-to-video action flicks in South Africa and was built on the backs of guys named Bradley and Zagarino playing robotic warriors. Yes, they are the “House the Cyborg Cop Built.”
A few years later, Jack is hanging out with Philip, who mentions he is heading down to the Caribbean for a top secret mission. He tells Jack not to worry and that he will be back in time to finalize the paperwork on adopting the orphan Frankie (Steven Leader). OH CRAP! Philip is a dead man. Indeed, his team’s siege on the top secret fortress of international baddie Kessel (John Rhys-Davies) ends in complete disaster as nearly everyone is blown up and Philip is captured. This is especially bad news for him as Kessel just happens to be experimenting in creating cybernetic soldiers that he hopes to sell to the highest bidding countries (preferably of nefarious nature). So Philip soon become a cyborg DEA agent, er, cyborg soldier. Of course, the bad guys didn’t expect that Philip sent a package to Jack telling him he thinks things are going to go bad (no idea when he sent this as the film shows him jumping right into his mission). So big brother is on a plane to find his kid brother faster than Schwarzenegger pouncing on the help. Once arriving, Jack finds the local authorities to be corrupt and the only person he can trust is a, ugh, newswoman named Cathy (Alonna Shaw).
Initially announced in Variety as CYBORG NINJA (see ad below), CYBORG COP is the film that kicked off Nu Image’s, er, image as a direct-to-video action staple. Catering to the world’s cinematic cybernetic cravings, the production is never going to be mistaken for one of the big boys (although I’m sure many a clueless father came home with it as a rental over the years and was scolded by his son with “dad, I

"You will never see a more wretched hive of scum and villainy."
Of course, my personal favorite bit was Kessel’s top secret underground lab having “exit” signs. Yes, I’m a low grade villain bent on world domination, but I don’t skimp on building standards.
Thankfully, the producers didn’t skimp when it comes to the cyborg bits. Now don’t go in expecting James Cameron level stuff, but you do get the gradual destruction of an evil cyborg (Rufus Swart) and the required cyborg arm. I did laugh when they outfitted Philip with his new arm and opted to leave on the armpit hair.
Bradley and Firstenberg are back! The first CYBORG COP must have fooled a lot of renters as this sequel hit shelves just over a year after the first film.
Part 2 wastes no time getting to the action as bad guy Jesse Starkraven (Morgan Hunter) and his goons lay the smack down on some rival drug dealers (who, naturally, make the workers do their duties in the nude). Sounds like a job for the DEA and soon Jack Ryan is on the scene. Wait, how did he get rehired? Anyway, Jack and new partner Mike get prepped to take on this bald headed baddie. Wait a sec…new partner…friend of Jack…and he’s black? This dude is a dead man! What they don’t know is Starkraven is welcoming this clash because the DEA killed his brother. Sure enough, Jack gets his man but not before Starkraven kills Mike (told ya!) and swears his revenge. No biggie for Jack as he gets to head home to his adopted son Frankie. HOLY CRAP! Frankie is back. Yes! See kid, losing your first adoptive father ain’t so bad after all as now you have David Bradley as your dad.
Anyway, Starkraven is now the State’s problem, but things get weird when he is transferred by the ATG (Anti-Terrorist Group) in the middle of the night to a top secret facility that performs under the guise of hurricane research. What is going on this lab? Well, they just happen to be creating cyborgs out of inmates and soon Starkraven is rechristened Spartacus by the custody sounding Dr. Owns (Douglas Bristow). As in “I owns you cyborgs!” Obviously, Spartacus is an advocate for robotic rights and decides to break his group of oppressed brothers out of their cybernetic confines. What an ingrate, like we all wouldn’t kill for a weapons-replaceable hand. And he couldn’t have picked a worse time as he decides to lead his rebellion when a bunch of VIPs are visiting to see the program’s progress. Nothing sells your backers like watching a cyborg rip off someone’s arm. Naturally, this is a job for Jack Ryan and he is soon tracking this metal militia, while butting heads with the corrupt sheriff and ATG bureaucrat Liz McDowell (Jill Pierce, so bad that her acting must be seen to be believed). And he better hurry because Spartacus not only wants his revenge, but he is prepared to unleash it in the form of a nuclear bomb that will decimate all of Des Moines, Iowa. Wait…this is set in Iowa!?!
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"We gonna walk down to Electric Avenue..." |
Fans of the Bradley/Firstenberg team will no doubt be disappointed to learn that neither one returned for the third (and final) entry in this series. Perhaps Bradley didn’t want to be typecast a guy who repeatedly kicks cyborg ass, so instead he went on to make films where he kicked human ass. Anyway, the third film tenuously tries to connect to the other films as the acting reigns are turned over to Frank Zagarino, who was helping Nu Image’s coffers as a cyborg in the PROJECT: SHADOWCHASER series they distributed, and Bryan Genesse, who also co-starred in PROJECT: SHADOWCHASER II.
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CYBORG COP III or NRA wet dream? |
Fans hoping for more of CYBORG COP II’s over the top metallic mayhem will probably be disappointed in this entry. Naturally, the first thing is fans will be missing David Bradley. I cried not knowing what happened to Jack Ryan and his adopted son Frankie.

"Cyborg Cop" is one of the first movies to turn me onto the joys of low-budget, grime-bucket DTV action films. I have never been the same since...