Once upon a time in a land far, far away someone decided to
adapt these newfangled video games to the magic of the silver screen. At the
time, video games weren’t exactly story driven and the most popular of these
were simply things like a yellow pie shape eating dots in a maze or a slightly
obsessed Italian plumber navigating an under-construction building while
avoiding a never ending supply of barrels that were left at the top along with
a very angry gorilla. If you were going to adapt them, you were going to have
to fill in more holes than “Load Runner”.
Modern video games make things a bit easier by providing
back-stories, but any time a movie is adapted from a book, a game, a cartoon,
whatever, there are going to be changes, it’s a fact inherent of the medium.
Even if you do something incredibly faithfully (say, 2009s WATCHMEN or 2012s
THE DARK KNIGHT RETURNS), there will be those that are furious that one little
detail has been slightly altered. Don’t be that guy.

TEKKEN (2009) served as the first live-action version of the
game. Directed by veteran genre director Dwight H. Little, it envisioned the
King of the Iron Fist tournament to be an underground bloodsport in the year 2039.
Taking place within the walled city-corporation of Tekken, it is overseen by
the fascist Heihachi Mishima (Cary-Hiroyuki Tagawa). Within the walls of Tekken
City, corporations and the wealthy lived in luxury while outside the walls, the
lower classes live in filthy, abject poverty. Mishima’s death squads would
frequently kill civilians for apparently no reason whatsoever, instigating
riots and unrest. In one of these situations slum-dweller Jin Kazama (Jon Foo)
sees his mother killed and sets out for revenge by entering the tournament as a
way to get close enough to Mishima to kill him. Even though I am not much of a fan of the game, I've played it enough to know that they at least got the look of the characters right. Even SUPER MARIO BROTHERS (1993) managed to screw that up somehow.
Badly scripted and terribly acted with “futuristic” clichés flying
fast and furious, Little at least made the fight scenes interesting. Not
exactly great, but better than the average DTV fodder. Pilloried by fans of the
games and completely dismissed by everyone else, we flash forward five years and suddenly have a sequel. Well, actually, a prequel. I know the title
is TEKKEN 2, but it’s a prequel. Not that it matters in the least.
Set in an unidentified time frame that we know is prior to
the original only because the marketing says so, a man suffering from amnesia (Kane
Kosugi) wakes up in a hotel room in the slums with a Tekken death squad running
up the stairs. After fighting off the troopers, he is knocked cold by a hot
brunette in a pleather outfit. Waking up, once again, the man finds himself
tied up in the courtyard of a man called The Minister (Rade Serbedzija). The
Minister alleges to preach the word of god and dubs our amnesiac “K” (since he
is the 16th recruit).

What this all boils down to is the fact that The Minister is going to use him as one of his hitmen. His stable of killers take out the people that The Minister is paid to hit. Though he doesn't do children. No children! Well, unless the price is right (not that this movie dares to show him having kids killed). His current top killers include a woman dressed up as a school girl (Charlotte Kirk), who sucks a lollypop and uses her feminine wiles to lure men to their deaths, which of course we have never, ever seen before. Apparently this heinous cliche is not even related to the game in any way. Seriously, I wish "Sukeban Deka" had never been made.

K: “What is this place?”
Janitor: “To some it is home, to others it’s a prison.”
Thank you for that enlightening pearl of wisdom.

K kills a couple guys in a PG-13 kind of way and is allowed to have
an apartment with a hot neighbor who he saves from some British bullies. See?
Just because he murders people, he ain’t a bad guy! Conveniently she also works at a clinic which qualifies her to remove explosive implants. Finally we get some
flashbacks of K in a chair with bandages around his head and Mishima (who they
couldn’t even bother to make up to look like Tagawa’s character in the first
film) berating him for being weak. Oh, and we also get flashbacks to the scenes
we just saw! The most cruel of blatantly obvious padding ploys. This movie is
slower than a short bus with two flat tires and a broken axle. It literally
takes 70 minutes to get anywhere near something that resembles a “plot”.

Not content to tarnish the Kosugi name, Kaosayananda has Gary Daniels pop in for a completely pointless bit part as Bryan Fury, one of The Minister’s escapees. I get that he is supposed to be foreshadowing his part in the original film, but they can’t even be bothered to get him into make-up and costume! It looks like he was on his way to the grocery store and stopped by to shoot a few scenes. As if that wasn't bad enough he is saddled with dialogue that does neither him or the audience any favors. When telling K that he escaped from The Minister, he says "Trust me. I'm your only friend. And I'm not your friend." Huh? Who thought that looked good on paper?
The original title for the film was TEKKEN: A MAN CALLED X, which
should give you a clue as to the mess that the movie is since throughout the
majority of the movie he is a man called “K”. TEKKEN 2 desperately wants to be
UNIVERSAL SOLDIER: DAY OF RECKONING (2012) and is not even close. Not even in the same
ballpark, not even in the same league, not even in the same sport. I could
completely forgive the total lack of production values (oooh, another fight on
a patch of asphalt!) and the clueless, meandering script if they had shot some
good fight scenes. That’s all I ask. I’m easy, I don’t care if you don’t
actually have any real connection to the game, just don’t waste Kosugi and
Daniels. That’s it. Instead we get what is without question going to be the most
tedious action movie of the year. Ok, maybe that’s not true. I did see the
life-draining Renny Harlin SOV actioner 12 ROUNDS (2009) this year, but then
again you can’t really say John Cena was wasted in it.
Sadly Kosugi and Daniels’ next film will be in Kaosayananda’s
latest (technically his previous), ZERO TOLERANCE, which started life as a film titled ANGEL. The film was
released only in Vietnam in 2012 and has subsequently been in another post production after
getting a major overhaul with Scott Adkins being involved in the reshoots. Even
though heavy re-edits and re-shoots are usually the kiss of death, I figured
with Kosugi, Daniels and Adkins in the ranks, it couldn’t be all bad. After
seeing this sloppy, half-assed mess, I can't imagine what sort of disaster ZERO TOLERANCE will turn out to be. I may have to hand that one over to Will to
review. I don't think I can bear to see the dream team of Kosugi, Daniels and Adkins ruined by this man. Besides, misery loves company.
Watchmen really wasn’t a faithful adaptation aside from on the surface. Snyder replicated the visuals but missed the point of most of it completely. Case in point:the back alley scene where Silk Spectre and Night Owl beat up the gang. In the comic it’s kind of sickening that two superheroes beat a bunch of regular street punks nearly to death effortlessly. In the movie it’s a slick set piece played up for style and cool factor.
ReplyDeleteAnd the guy playing Ozymandais was nowhere near right for the part.